6 · 9 months

We created this gifts guide to make your choice easier. The border between ages is not always very clear and every child grows at his own pace. At Merci Bisous, our goal is to select a handpicked selection of sustainable toys that will last well beyond babyhood and with cool design, to better satisfy both children and parents. 

Our favorite items for 6 · 9 months are musical toys, first fabric books and puzzles. Did you know that between 6 and 8 months old, baby will start seeing colors and hearing where the sound is coming from? 


Lion Maracas

$ 22.00

O Archambault | M Prairie | G Godbout

Mini toi: le livre de ton enfance, Fr

$ 35.00

O Archambault | M Prairie | G Godbout

Tout petit toi: le livre de ton enfance, Fr

$ 35.00

April Eleven

Bear Wooden Mirror, Mini

$ 28.00

April Eleven

Baby Swing, Shell

$ 83.00

Petit Picotin

Bib, Honey

$ 18.00 $ 25.00


Soft Ball, Large

$ 25.00


First Story, Bear

$ 10.00


Bear Maracas

$ 22.00


Rabbit Maracas

$ 20.00


Musical Box

$ 35.00


Musical Box

$ 35.00

Merci Bisous

Wooden magic wand

$ 14.00